Calvary Southside Services
Calvary Chapel Southside Church Hours – Pastor Jim may be available at church (330 Monroe Street Honeoye Falls) Tuesdays through Fridays from 9 AM to 4:30 PM, call 585 905-5833.
Our Sunday Service – starts at 10:00 AM. We are now in the Book of 2 Thessalonians, we’re taking the Bible chapter by chapter verse by verse, Lord willing. We also have an Agape dinner every first Sunday of each month. (dish to pass) A calendar of the Worship songs is available by clicking here. The Lord has provided Nursery & Toddler care as well as Kids’ Church for ages 5-12. Tuesday night is also Group Prayer Night for everyone. Each 2nd Saturday morning of the month, the Women’s study group meets at 9:00 Am, for Breakfast too. Each second Saturday morning of the month, the Men’s group meets at 9:00 Am, for Breakfast. Next March 8, all are welcome. Wednesday Night Service: We meet every Wednesday at 7:00 Pm. We are presently studying the Book of 1 Samuel. Thursday nights at 7:00 PM. we host the 1 Step Ministry – a study on addictions – for all. Call Calvary Chapel Southside at: (585) 905-5833 |